Welcome to the Crime Lab! Here you will find information about cyber crimes and what happens to people who commit them.

Officer Ward
Cyber Defender & Detention Center Security Officer
Officer Ward believes that most people who disrespect the privelages of Cyberspace are more ignorant than criminal, and that most cyber criminals can be rehabilitated into faithful cyber citizens through education about the dangers of delinquency in Cyberspace.
Working closely with Commander Omni and the Cyber Defense Academy, Officer Ward hopes to secure Cyberspace for everyone.
It is not only for what we do that we are held responsible, but also for what we do not do
- John Baptiste Moliere
Interests:Coaching softball, fishing, catching cyber criminals
August 31, 2010
Cyber Criminal Profile - The Bad Hatter
Knowledge is the best weapon against cyber crime. It's important to know as much as you can about cyber criminals so you can learn how to defeat them.
Alias: The Bad Hatter
Real Name: Unknown
Location: Cyberspace Detention Center
Primary attack: Hacking
Weakness: Overconfidence
Well that was an…adventure… The Bad Hatter was one of the most intense, unbelievable baddies we’ve ever come up against. I’ve got to say I’m extremely proud of all the cadets for defeating him.
I’d love to tell you all about the Bad Hatter, but there’s a little problem. We still have him trapped in that old PC that Erika lured him into, and there’s no way we’re plugging it back in to question him. He’s just too dangerous.
Here’s what we know – the Bad Hatter is some sort of living computer program that’s capable of controlling reality. How it came about is anyone’s guess and how he’s able to warp the world around him is a question I don’t think we’ll ever answer. Maybe twenty years from now when we have the technology to deal with him we’ll let him out, but until then…I’ll sleep better at night knowing he’s trapped and powerless.
posted by Officer Ward
topic: Cyber Criminal Profiles
May 26, 2010
Cyber Criminal Profile - Reomel Ramones and Onel de Guzman, The Love Bug Worm
Way back in the year 2000, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth and cavemen rode around on wooly mammoths, people around the world received emails with “ILOVEYOU” as the subject. The email also had an attachment with it that read “LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT”. Of course, people opened the email because they were curious who had sent it. Unfortunately for them, the email didn’t contain a letter from a secret admirer, but instead it held a nasty worm.
This worm, called “The Love Bug,” would then send a copy of itself to every email address in the victim’s address book. Once it had infected a system, the worm would make several nasty changes to the computer’s operating system. The cyber criminals, Reomel Ramones and Onel de Guzman, launched their cyber attack from their homes in the Philippines. Once they were caught, the Filipino government enacted “The E-Commerce Law” to make sure such terrible cyber crimes would never go unpunished.
In my opinion, this worm was particularly cruel. Not only were its victims’ computers infected, but they had their hopes crushed, too! I’m sure they would’ve rather had the love letter than the worm…
posted by Officer Ward
topic: Cyber Criminal Profiles
April 12, 2010
Cyber Criminal Profile - Saad Echouafni, Denial of Service Attacker
Howdy cadets! Spring has Sprung! Birds are blooming, flowers are chirping…wait…reverse those… Anyway, all this return of activity and new growth has got me thinking about one thing…
Cyber Criminal Profiles!
Getting ahead in the business world can be tough…especially when you have competitors that will do almost anything to get ahead. Saad Echouafni is a former head of a satellite communications company turned alleged cyber criminal who is wanted in Los Angeles for allegedly using hackers to attack his competitors with denial of service attacks.
The attacks Echouafni allegedly ordered affected both commercial and governmental business. Some of these businesses were shut down for up to two weeks! The total cost of the attacks is between $200,000 and $1 Million.
And I thought those satellite TV vs. cable TV ads were tough…
posted by Officer Ward
topic: Cyber Criminal Profiles
January 27, 2010
Cyber Criminal Profile - George Kopiloff, Limewire Fraud
Did you know that file sharing can put your information at risk? What's that? You already knew that? Oh. Sorry, I guess I forgot how smart you are.
Anyway, aside from downloading viruses and Trojan horses, certain cyber criminals are using file sharing services to hack into people's computers and steal financial information. One such cyber criminal was George Kopiloff, who used Limewire to steal over 80 peoples' information. He then used this information to open fake credit cards and bank accounts and buy expensive merchandise. He even had the merchandise sent to different mailboxes so police would have a harder time catching him. He would then go do these different mailboxes, pick up the goods, and sell them for a high price to someone else.
Of course George Kopiloff was caught. He was sentenced to 51months in prison and has to pay back the $70,000 he stole. Every time I see this happen, I wonder why these people don't just use their smarts to get an honest job. With skills like that, he probably could have made more money than he stole AND avoided getting thrown in prison!
posted by Officer Ward
topic: Cyber Criminal Profiles
December 15, 2009
Cyber Criminal Profile - Albert Gonzalez, Hacker of Corporate Databases
When it comes to data theft, Albert Gonzalez is the worst. Between 2005 and 2007, he used malware like packet sniffers and other criminal methods to hack into several corporate databases, from which he stole and sold over 170 million - that's 170,000,000 - credit card and ATM numbers. And what do you do after stealing ridiculous amounts of money from good, hard-working people? Throw yourself a $75,000 birthday party, of course! That would buy a TON of piñatas!
Well, of course, the thief got caught and is now being prosecuted. Why do criminals bother? It's not like they get away with it. Just think, if Albert Gonzales had spent that time using his skills to do something productive with his life, he could've kept all the millions of dollars!
posted by Officer Ward
topic: Cyber Criminal Profiles
November 9 2009
Cyber Criminal Profile - Robert Morris, the First Internet Worm
Here's a weird one for you. In 1988 (that's right, over 20 years ago), a student named Robert Morris created the world's first Internet worm. According to Morris, this worm wasn't meant to cause the $530,000 worth of damages it did, but rather it was meant to be a tool to measure the size of the internet. Unfortunately, the worm copied itself over and over again and, before it could be stopped, it infected thousands upon thousands of computers.
Morris wasn't given any jail time for what seemed like an honest mistake, but he was still forced to do community service and was put on probation. Today he works as a professor. Pfft. I don't know why he got off so easy.
Sorry, that's not fair. I'm actually glad Morris didn't receive harsh punishment for his mistake. I guess I'm just upset about my blunder with Captain Jack Plunder. Don't you worry though, we'll catch him. Just like Morris, I'm not about to let one little mistake get in my way.
posted by Officer Ward
topic: Cyber Criminal Profiles
October 28 2009
Cyber Criminal Profile -Vladimir Levin, Citibank Fraud
Back in 1994, when I was at the youthful age of...15 years younger than I am now...there was a famous case of fraud involving Citibank. Wow, I feel old now.
Back then Vladimir Levin used Citibank's dialup wire transferring service to steal $10.7 million dollars! Of course, Levin was caught in less than a year, the bank got almost all of its money back, and Levin went to prison. Talk about a waste of time!
The interesting thing about this case is that originally, the media said Levin was a mathematician and graduate of Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology. After all, this would explain how he could hack into their system so easily, right? Well, as it turns out, Levin had no such skills. Instead of hacking into Citibank’s wire transfer service, Levin simply paid $100 to someone in the company to give him access to the systems.
Does this make Levin less of a cyber criminal? Not at all. Though he might not have had the smarts to break in himself, he did have $100 and a plan to steal millions via technology. So watch out! It doesn’t take genius to be a notorious cyber criminal, just a regular person with evil in their heart and $100 in their pocket!
posted by Officer Ward
topic: Cyber Criminal Profiles
September 14 2009
Cyber Criminal Profile - Jonathan James, NASA Hacker
Alright readers, I'll try to keep this short since Carlo and I are gearing up for the new semester. A few years ago, 16-year-old Jonathan James of Miami was sent to prison for hacking. His conviction earned him the . . . eh, distinction . . . of being the first juvenile to be sent to prison for this sort of cyber crime. It'll be a long time before he has any fun.
Apparently, the young man decided it would be a great idea to hack into the computer systems of both the US Defense Department and NASA. Seriously. On what planet does that seem like a good idea? Granted, all hacking is bad, but hacking into important government computers? For such a smart guy, that was a really bad idea. If James had been an adult, his sentence would have been at least 10 years and would have included several felony charges.
What a waste of a great mind! To think, if he had used his talents to help us here at the academy, he'd be a hero instead of a villain!
posted by Officer Ward
topic: Cyber Criminal Profiles
August 6 2009
Cyber Criminal Profile: Lowe's Computer Intrusion
Ever hear of something called "wardriving"? If you have, then you know it's when someone drives around searching for unprotected Wi-Fi spots to sneak access to the Internet. If you don't know what it is, well, you should re-read the last sentence.
Recently, a Michigan man pleaded guilty to illegally accessing computers at a Lowe's home improvement store. He didn't realize it was a protected computer until after he tried to visit a Web site but kept getting forced back to a Lowe's corporate site. As soon as he realized what he had done, he signed off immediately. The man's roommate, however, decided to use the unprotected Wi-Fi to steal credit card numbers from the store's customers. They were both caught and are now facing federal charges, which brings me to my next point: don't steal Internet access!
Just because someone left their Wi-Fi access point unprotected doesn't give anyone the right to use it without their permission. That's like saying if you forget to chain up your bike one day, it is ok if someone comes along and takes it! So remember, always keep your Wi-Fi protected, and never use someone else's Wi-Fi unless they give you permission.
posted by Officer Ward
topic: Cyber Criminal Profiles
July 10 2009
Cyber Criminal Profile: Kevin Mitnick, Computer Hacker
Real-life cyber criminal Kevin Mitnick was once considered the most wanted computer criminal in US history. Arrested in 1995, Mitnick eventually confessed to various charges, including wire fraud, computer fraud, and illegally intercepting wire communications. He was sentenced to 68 months in prison (that's almost six years, folks!), eight of which were served in solitary confinement.
After Mitnick was released from prison, the court ordered him banned from all forms of technological communication aside from a land-line phone. He disputed this, eventually winning himself access to the Internet. Like some of our very own cyber criminals, Mitnick has reformed and is now using his technological skills to help combat hackers with his company, Mitnick Security Consulting, LLC.
posted by Officer Ward
topic: Cyber Criminal Profiles
June 23 2009
Cyber Criminal Profile: Romania-US Fraud Bust
In May of 2008, cyber crime investigators busted a large international network of cyber criminals and charged 38 suspects with Internet fraud. The suspects were accused of phishing, using emails designed to look like they came from a bank, eBay, or PayPal, to get people's banking information and steal their money.
The criminal network included people from all over the world: Romania, the United States, Vietnam, Cambodia, Pakistan, and Mexico. The phishing was done by Romanian hackers, who then sent the information to their accomplices in the United States, who used it to make fake bank cards and withdraw cash from ATM machines.
Cyber criminals networks frequently span the globe, enabling them to launch coordinated attacks and making it harder for Cyber Defenders to take them down. As Cyber Defenders, it's very important to share our knowledge and resources and work together internationally in order to keep up with the cyber criminals.
posted by Officer Ward
topic: Cyber Criminal Profiles
September 15 2008
Cyber Criminal Profile: Gold Farmers
Many online games, especially the multiplayer ones, have some form of money built into them. You usually have to earn the money by performing tasks and completing games, and you can use it to buy cool items or upgrades for your avatar or room. Unfortunately there are some very lazy people out there who would rather just illegally buy their game money instead of earning it the way you are supposed to.
Web sites exist where you can pay real money to buy game money, but doing so is cheating. It also throws off the money system in the game. The people that run these Web sites have rooms of workers, called Gold Farmers, playing the game and doing the same repetitive tasks over and over again to earn game money to sell online. The workers are usually treated horribly and make very little money, sometimes working 12 hours a day for as little as a few pennies an hour.
Using real money to buy game money violates the official rules and Terms of Use for the game. It can get you banned if you are caught! But what's worse is that you are supporting these companies that are making money illegally and abusing the people that work for them.
posted by Officer Ward
topic: Cyber Criminal Profiles
August 11 2008
Cyber Criminal Profile: The ID Bandit
Knowledge is the best weapon against cyber crime. It's important to know as much as you can about cyber criminals so you can learn how to defeat them.
Alias: The ID Bandit
Real Name: Unknown
Location: Email, Web sites, online communications
Primary attack: Identity Theft
Weakness: Protecting your personal information
The ID Bandit is the Cyber Villain responsible for creating the Master Hacker. Ex-Commander Nils was on an undercover operation to infiltrate the ID bandit's secret lair when he mysteriously disappeared. Preying on Nils' idealistic tendencies, the ID Bandit convinced him to use his computer skills to control the Internet rather than defend it. Together, they would hack directly into unprotected computers to use them for their own plans, stealing identities and wreaking havoc throughout cyberspace.
With the capture of the Master Hacker, the ID Bandit was forced to scale down her operation. She now works with the Phisherman to steal credit card numbers and bank account information through phishing attacks. She also employs the DisGuys to infiltrate chat rooms and other online communications, searching for personal information to steal. She even attacks offline, stealing computers for the information stored on them, and sometimes even stealing people's mail.
The ID Bandit's identity theft attacks can end up costing her victims hundreds of thousands of dollars and ruining their reputations, so be especially wary of her! To learn more about how to protect yourself and your computer from identity theft, refer to Cyber Crimes: Identity Theft and never share your personal information with anyone online.
posted by Officer Ward
topic: Cyber Criminal Profiles
July 7 2008
Cyber Criminal Profile: The Phisherman
Knowledge is the best weapon against cyber crime. It's important to know as much as you can about cyber criminals so you can learn how to defeat them.
Alias: The Phisherman
Real Name: Unknown
Location: Email, Web sites
Primary attack: Phishing
Weakness:Phishing filters, reporting to authorities, the cold shoulder
The Phisherman trained under M.C. Spammer but quickly grew tired of his ineffective spam attacks that most people just learned to ignore or blocked with a spam filter. Wanting to steal more money faster, he turned to Phishing attacks, using social engineering tactics to trick people into giving away their personal information.
His most common phishing scam is to send a victim an email claiming there is something wrong with their bank account. This email may include some of the victim’s personal information, like their name or social security number, to trick them into believing the email is truly from their bank. The email directs the victim to a Web site to enter their bank account information to “fix” the problem, but this fake Web site allows the Phisherman to steal their bank account information and their money.
His many other scams include pretending to be a network administrator, a PayPal or eBay employee, and even the IRS. He will use any Internet communication tool, including email, chat rooms, social networking sites, and instant messenger, to try and trick people into giving him their personal information or passwords.
Refer to Scout's Cyber Defense Threat: Phishing post for more information about how to protect yourself from Phishing attacks.
posted by Officer Ward
topic: Cyber Criminal Profiles
June 2 2008
Cyber Criminal Profile: Captain Jack Plunder, Cyber Pirate
Knowledge is the best weapon against cyber crime. It's important to know as much as you can about cyber criminals so you can learn how to defeat them.
Alias: Captain Jack Plunder, the Cyber Pirate, the File-Filchin' Freebooter! The Dread Downloader! The Copyright Cursin' Corsair!
Real Name: Unknown
Location: Peer-to-peer software, download sites
Primary attack: Cyber piracy
Weakness:Reporting to authorities, avoiding downloads
Captain Jack Plunder terrorizes cyberspace with his cyber piracy, pillaging files and content and leaving masses of damage in his wake. Ignoring copyright law completely, he maliciously copies and distributes software, music, and movies throughout the Web. His ruthless theft hurts not only the creators of the software and music, but also everyone else because the more he steals, the more companies have to raise their prices to compensate for lost profits.
Captain Plunder's reckless cyber attacks are just as illegal as walking into the store and grabbing something off the shelf without paying, and he will try to tempt you into cyber piracy yourself by offering you free software, music, and movies to download. He has also been known to work with Elvirus to install malware into his pirated files. Lacking any sense of right and wrong, Captain Plunder will offer you his free software and music and then stab you in the back by infecting your computer.
To protect yourself, avoid downloading anything that you would normally have to pay for in a store. You could get into serious trouble by committing cyber piracy, so check with a trusted adult before downloading.
posted by Officer Ward
topic: Cyber Criminal Profiles
May 5 2008
Cyber Criminal Profile: The Master Hacker
Knowledge is the best weapon against cyber crime. It's important to know as much as you can about cyber criminals so you can learn how to defeat them.
Alias: The Master Hacker
Real Name:Ex-Commander Nils
Location: Cyberspace Detention Center
Primary attack: Hacking
Weakness: Protecting your Personal Information, Firewalls
Before he was The Master Hacker, Nils was Commander Nils of the Cyber Defense Force and Commander Omni's partner. A few years after graduating from the Carnegie Cyber Academy, Nils was on an undercover mission to infiltrate a league of hackers when he suddenly disappeared. When he finally resurfaced, he had joined with the criminals and become a Cyber Villain, The Master Hacker.
He began using his knowledge of cyberspace to seek out riches and revenge rather than to protect the Internet, stealing money, identities, secrets, and personal information from people and causing terrible damage. He also masterminded the single largest attack on cyberspace in the history of the Academy, trying to take it over completely and force everyone to reveal their personal information and allow him access to their computers. Nils committed many crimes and deceived many authorities before he was finally captured by a large team of Cyber Defenders, led by his former partner Commander Omni.
UPDATE: In January of 2008, Nils managed to escape from the cyberspace Detention Center with the assistance of the Cyber Villains Elvirus, M. C. Spammer, Ms. Information, and the Dis Guys.
The Cyber Defense Force was able to track him down again thanks to the reckless but heroic efforts of Carnegie Cadet Alan, who allowed himself to be kidnapped by the Cyber Villains in order to gain knowledge about their activities.
posted by Officer Ward
topic: Cyber Criminal Profiles
April 7 2008
Cyber Criminal Profile: Jax, Cyber Bully
Knowledge is the best weapon against cyber crime. It's important to know as much as you can about cyber criminals so you can learn how to defeat them.
Alias: Jax
Real Name: Jenny
Location: Detention Center
Primary attack: Sending mean and hurtful messages to other
Weakness: Reporting to Authorities, the cold shoulder
Jax is a cyber bully who attacked people through instant messaging, chat rooms, and emails because she thought it was funny. She started out bullying just her friends, sending them nasty emails and instant messages telling them how stupid they were and trying to make them angry. Her friends got tired of it and blocked her, so she started sending the messages to complete strangers.
She did not realize that there are ways to monitor the Internet and that sooner or later someone was going to get sick of her bullying and report her. She's in the Detention Center because of her mischievous behavior.
UPDATE: In January of 2008, Jax was released from the Detention Center by the Cyber Villains during Ex-Commander Nils' escape. Realizing she could never be free of her past mistakes by running away from them, Jax returned to complete her sentence after escaping from the Cyber Villains.
As a reward for her good behavior, Jax's sentence has been reduced and she is now allowed out of her cell during the day to complete her community service hours.
posted by Officer Ward
topic: Cyber Criminal Profiles
March 3 2008
Cyber Criminal Profile: Sparky, Script Kiddie
Knowledge is the best weapon against cyber crime. It's important to know as much as you can about cyber criminals so you can learn how to defeat them.
Alias: Sparky
Real Name: Francis Quincy
Location: Detention Center
Primary attack: Using borrowed hacking programs to alter Web sites and disrupt data
Weakness: Reporting to Authorities
A script kiddie is an inexperienced hacker, frequently a kid like Sparky, who uses programs developed by other hackers to attack computers and alter Web sites. Most script kiddies are just trying to cause trouble, impress their friends, or gain credit in an underground hacker community.
Sparky used an easy-to-trace program to hack into his school's library database and rearrange it. He was trying to get attention and fame, but the harm he caused only made everyone resentful towards him. They traced the attack straight to his home computer and he confessed to using the program to wreck the database.
Even though he did not create the program, Sparky's crime is severe enough for him to spend some time in the Detention Center. He will be released when he has learned his lesson about treating a serious crime like hacking like it's a game.
UPDATE: In January of 2008, Sparky was released from the Detention Center by the Cyber Villains during Ex-Commander Nils' escape. Realizing he could never be free of his past mistakes by running away from them, Sparky returned to complete his sentence after escaping from the Cyber Villains.
As a reward for his good behavior, Sparky's sentence has been reduced and he is now allowed out of his cell during the day to complete his community service hours.
posted by Officer Ward
topic: Cyber Criminal Profiles
February 4 2008
Cyber Criminal Profile: The Dis Guys
Knowledge is the best weapon against cyber crime. It's important to know as much as you can about cyber criminals so you can learn how to defeat them.
Alias: The Dis Guys
Real Name: Unknown
Location: Chat rooms, Instant Messengers
Primary attack: Stealing Personal Information, Identity Theft
Weakness: Reporting to Authorities, the cold shoulder
The Dis Guys are twin brothers who seek out victims in cyberspace to steal their personal information to cause trouble. They work under several aliases but most common are the screen names Spyke9 and Mr.Floppy. The Dis Guys lurk in chat rooms and send people instant messages trying to lure them into revealing personal information or their offline identity.
It is believed that Spyke9 plans most of their dastardly deeds and Mr.Floppy helps carry them out. They are the most dangerous Cyber Villains because they can harm more than just your computer. They can steal your identity or your money, or even find you offline.
To defend yourself, never give out your personal information in cyberspace because you never know if The Dis Guys are watching! Check out Hint Sheet #02 and Betty's section on Personal Information for some examples of personal information.
posted by Officer Ward
topic: Cyber Criminal Profiles
January 7 2008
Cyber Criminal Profile: Elvirus
Knowledge is the best weapon against cyber crime. It's important to know as much as you can about cyber criminals so you can learn how to defeat them.
Alias: Elvirus
Real Name: Unknown
Location: Email attachments, downloaded files
Primary attack: Virus
Weakness: Anti-virus software and other security programs, the cold shoulder
Elvirus infects files all over cyberspace with her sneaky viruses by tempting people into opening them and unleashing the malware. She flirts with you by sending email attachments promising cool games or funny pictures that secretly contain harmful malware. She can even hide viruses in music files, free software, or other downloadable files.
Elvirus' contaminated files look harmless, but her viruses can cause severe damage to your computer. She can be even more dangerous if she gains access to your computer. She can even use your computer to attack others!
To defend yourself, be very careful with files from cyberspace and email attachments. Ask a trusted adult before downloading any files, download only from reliable sources, and scan everything with anti-virus software before you open it. Also, scan all email attachments before opening and don't open email attachments from people you don't know.
Elvirus is a dangerous Cyber Villain, but she can be defeated!
UPDATE: In March of 2009, Elvirus was captured by the Cyber Defenders while collaborating on a malicious Web site hoax with Ms. Information. The undercover operation, led by Officer Marshall and Officer Ward and assisted by Sparky, was able to put an end to the scheme before it could cause any damage to cyberspace.
Elvirus is now safely contained in her own cell at the Detention Center.
posted by Officer Ward
topic: Cyber Criminal Profiles
December 3 2007
Cyber Criminal Profile: Ms. Information
Knowledge is the best weapon against cyber crime. It's important to know as much as you can about cyber criminals so you can learn how to defeat them.
Alias: Ms. Information
Real Name: Unknown
Location: Web sites
Primary attack: Incorrect Information, Lies
Weakness: Reliable Web sites, the cold shoulder
Ms. Information is a bit of a know-it-all and will claim that she is always correct. She frequently creates Web sites that look real and useful but are really full of incorrect information, or misinformation. She frequently makes mistakes, and worse, she will even flat-out lie to you.
Ms. Information can trick you with her lies, and her fake Web sites can trip you up when doing Web research. To defend yourself, be suspicious of what you read online and make sure to use reliable sources for your Web research.
Check out Maya's Study Hall for tips on doing Web research and finding reliable sites.
UPDATE: In March of 2009, Ms. Information was captured by the Cyber Defenders while collaborating on a malicious Web site hoax with Elvirus. The undercover operation, led by Officer Marshall and Officer Ward and assisted by Sparky, was able to put an end to the scheme before it could cause any damage to cyberspace.
Ms. Information is now safely contained in her own cell at the Detention Center.
posted by Officer Ward
topic: Cyber Criminal Profiles
November 5 2007
Cyber Criminal Profile: M.C. Spammer
Knowledge is the best weapon against cyber crime. It's important to know as much as you can about cyber criminals so you can learn how to defeat them.
Alias: M.C. Spammer
Real Name: Unknown
Location: Email
Primary attack: Spam
Weakness: Spam filters, the cold shoulder
M.C. Spammer's cyber weapon of choice is spam, and he will try to send out as much of it as often as he can. His spam emails try to fool innocent people into opening them with free travel offers and fun I.Q. tests. He'll email you anything to get a quick buck, steal your personal information, or infest your computer with malware.
M.C. Spammer is very annoying but relatively harmless. To defend yourself, use a spam filter to prevent most of his attacks and learn how to recognize the ones that get through so you can delete them right away. Also, be careful to whom and what sites you give your real email address, as this can leave you open for his attacks.
Keep it up, Cyber Defenders! We'll catch him!
posted by Officer Ward
topic: Cyber Criminal Profiles
June 12 2007
Cyber Criminal Profile: New Detainee
Commander Omni brought me a new 'guest' for the Detention Center today. His name is Sparky and he's what we would call a "script kiddie," one of those kids who knows just enough about programming to get himself into a lot of trouble. He was caught using malicious programs to attack Internet websites.
He doesn't seem like a bad kid. Just made a few mistakes is all. He didn't even write the programs he was using. He found them on some hacker website.