Blog Archives:.
Though the Faculty no longer post to their blogs, you can still read through the archives:
The Importance of Being Anonymous
Betty's blog about communicating safely in Cyberspace.
Daily Diagnostics
Dr. Keen and Scout's blog about computer maintenance and repair.
Carlo On the Go
Carlo's blog about mobile devices.
Crime Lab
Officer Ward's blog about cyber crimes and criminals.
The Digital Environment
Trey's blog about how computers impact the environment
Study Hall
Maya's blog about using the Web for research.
The Academy Faculty have taken all the great information they've posted to their blogs over the years and organized them into these pages:
Cyberspace Communications

Clubhouse Supervisor Betty is an expert in web communication. She knows the importance of keeping your offline identity separate from your online identity and protecting yourself from cyber bullies.
Her Cyberspace Communications pages cover:
- What personal information is and why you must protect it when communicating in Cyberspace
- Tips for communicating safely online
- Strategies for managing your online identity
- Information on cyber bullying and advice for how to deal with it and protect yourself from it
- Guidelines for having good netiquette in Cyberspace
Test your social networking savvy by playing Betty's Growing an Online Reputation Game:
Do you have an online reputation? If you use social networks, send text messages, have a blog, or play multiplayer online games, you probably do!
While a negative online reputation can cause problems for you, a positive one can open doors. Betty's Growing an Online Reputation game can show you how to cultivate a positive online reputation by being smart about what you share and with whom you share it.
Computer and Device Defense

Diagnostics Lab Technician Dr. Keen and her assistant Scout the Robot are the Academy's resident computer maintenance experts. Cyber Defender Carlo is a mobile device enthusiast and pro at cyber defense on the go. They have teamed up to bring you a wealth of information on device maintenance and protection.
Their Computer and Device Defense pages cover:
- Tips for setting up defenses for your computer
- Strategies keeping those defenses strong while navigating Cyberspace
- Information on protecting your mobile devices
- What the different components of a computer do and what you can do when they have a problem
- A database of threats and defenses for your computer and devices, from the Cyberpedia
Cyber Crimes and Criminals

Detention Center Supervisor Officer Ward knows a lot about cyber crime and has met his fair share of cyber criminals. He is also a firm believer that cyber criminals can be reformed into model cyber citizens.
His Cyber Crimes and Criminals pages cover:
- How cyber criminals operate and the sneaky methods they use to take advantage of people
- What Cyber Defenders are doing to catch cyber criminals and solve cyber crimes
- Profiles of Cyberspace's Most Wanted cyber criminals
- A database of cyber crimes and criminal methods, from the Cyberpedia
Green Computing

Message Center Supervisor Trey's passion is protecting the environment, and he believes that computers and the Internet can be used to do just that.
His Green Computing pages cover:
- Information on environmental issues related to computers and the Internet
- Tips for being "green" when using and buying computers
- Strategies for reducing waste related to computers
- A database of environmental and green computing terms, from the Cyberpedia