Carnegie Cadets: The MySecureCyberspace Game is an interactive game designed for fourth and fifth graders that teaches Internet safety and computer security in a safe, fun setting. It is a Flash-based game compatible with Windows 2000/XP and Mac OSX (10.5). Created by Carnegie Mellon's Information Networking Institute and Carnegie Mellon CyLab in 2007, the game is provided as a free download from this website.
About MySecureCyberspace
Carnegie Mellon created the MySecureCyberspace initiative as a response to the National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace, which calls for every American to help create a safe Internet by securing his or her own corner of cyberspace.
The MySecureCyberspace website and game give everyday citizens the tools and knowledge they need to do this.
About the Game

Players join the Cyber Defense training program at the Carnegie Cyber Academy, where training missions teach different Internet topics. The missions cover fundamental skills such as how to spot spam, how to keep personal information private, and how to identify website traps, such as dangerous pop-up windows, forms that ask for personal information, and Web pages that show inappropriate content.
Through the game, players learn how to become safe, educated Cybercitizens before entering the Internet on their own. Read our news coverage and testimonials.
Click the Play button to watch the 30-second video.
About this Website
This website has extra stories, background information and mini games to let fans enjoy the Carnegie Cyber Academy and its characters beyond the game. Also, it provides a download of the game, as well as instructions for getting started with the game and a teacher's guide for using the game in the classroom.
To download your own free copy of Carnegie Cadets: The MySecureCyberspace Game, check out our Getting Started guide.
Media Kit
The downloadable Media Kit is a 17-page PDF file that includes an overview of the game and website; information for educators and community leaders; a description of the cybersecurity portal; a fact sheet; excerpts from the Teacher's Companion; and a sample of press releases.
For more information regarding the MySecureCyberspace cybersecurity portal, visit
To download the full version of the Teacher's Companion and for more information for parents, educators, and community leaders, visit our Classroom and Support Materials page.
For a full list of press releases and other news features, visit the News and Testimonials page.

The Carnegie Cyber Academy was one of 24 sites selected as a 2010 Great Websites for Kids in the American Library Association’s Great Websites for Kids

The Carnegie Cyber Academy website won two awards in the 2009 Communicator Awards Competition.

Silver Award of Distinction
Interactive - Children's Audience

Silver Award of Distinction
Interactive - Education

and was also a runner-up in the 2009 Japan Prize Competition.
Security Information
Carnegie Mellon is committed to providing a safe, secure website and game where children can learn. To download and play the game, an adult must give minimal information. We protect this information and do not share it with other parties. Children need only a username to play, and they are not asked to provide personal information.
We recommend you review the policies below before downloading the game or registering an account.
Link to Us
Use our button or banner on your website or blog to link to the Carnegie Cyber Academy:
- Copy and Paste the embed code right onto your webpage
- Click and Drag the image to your desktop to save a copy
- Right-click and select "Save As" to save them to another location on your computer
Carnegie Cyber Academy Button (170 x 115)

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Carnegie Cyber Academy Banner (480 x 85)

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