About Me:
My name is Alan and I'm a gamer. I can beat almost any game in no time, and I'll pwn anyone in a head-to-head challenge, just ask Carlo! I also have mad programming skillz and a pet alien named Zwert.
Favorite Quote:Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will
- Mahatma Gandhi
Interests:Video games, sci-fi, coding
Archives:January 18, 2011
Game Over
I can’t believe I did something so dumb! I’m usually so careful... Here’s what happened. I got an email from a gaming buddy that said “Dude, check out this video!” as the subject line. Of course, I clicked the link. Do you know what the video was? It was a recording of Elvirus laughing.
Next thing I know, my computer crashes and won’t turn back on! Then I hear Jax shouting from down the hall that her computer crashed, too. She said they got the same video but that I had sent it. The virus must’ve sent a copy of itself to everyone in my address book! What should I do? I need to tell Commander Omni immediately. This attack can only mean one thing.
Elvirus is up to something!
posted by Alan
December 13, 2010
Oh Snow!
It was sort of fun at first…but this blizzard is really getting old fast. I’m actually writing this from Carlo’s phone because the power went out last night. We’ve got backup generators running, but they’re just keeping the heat on and the emergency lights lit. Luckily, the library is still lit so I can read or play board games with the other cadets if I get bored.
You want to know the major downside to living at school? You never get snow days! You just get darker, colder regular days.
posted by Alan
November 2, 2010
My Stomach!
Well, I ate WAAAY too much candy last night. I really should’ve said no to that second bag of Choco-Bats, but… if I didn’t eat them, they’d just go to waste, right? Right?
Okay, I know I could’ve (and should’ve) just had them later. Oh well, live and learn. It won’t happen again this year, at least. After I crashed from my sugar buzz last night, Zwert ate the rest of my candy horde! At first I was angry, but I guess it’ll help me in the long run. Thanks, Zwert!
posted by Alan
October 8, 2010
I don’t know exactly why, but I’m super excited for Halloween this year! I know it’s still like three weeks away, but that just gives me time to think up the perfect costume. Hmmmm…what should I be? Dana will probably want our costumes to match, but she always wants to do really goofy things. A fork and a spoon. Peas in a pod. Two matched socks. You get the idea.
I want to be something scary! Like a zombie or something. Maybe we can compromise. Like we could match, but I could still be something scary. Well, it’s something to think about at least. I’ll bring it up at lunch today.
posted by Alan
September 22, 2010
Zwert’s Okay!
Sorry it took so long to write this, but I’ve been busy nursing Zwert back to health. With a little help from his parents, I’ve got him back to perfect condition. All it took were a couple extra sausage pizzas, some candy bars, and a few peanut butter and cookie dough milkshakes! Oh, and the love of a caring alien adult. Can’t forget that! I never really thought of Zwert as a little kid, but it turns out that’s exactly what he is! When I found that out, I thought his parents were sort of cruel forcing him out of the house (or spaceship) at such a young age.
It turns out, though, that it’s just part of the culture. All young aliens are given to trustworthy people of other planets so that they can learn about those societies first-hand. If the young alien ever gets into serious danger, the parent aliens zoom over to rescue them. I’m happy I learned so much from them, but honestly I’m happier that I have my old friend back!
posted by Alan
August 24, 2010
1986 is Radical!
You read right, I said 1986 is radical! Apparently people used to say radical instead of cool, in case you’re wondering what I’m talking about. I picked up the word the other day while I was playing a few classic games in the arcade down the street. Arcades were way more popular back in 1986, probably because a lot of people didn’t have game consoles in their homes yet.
I must’ve spent three hours there playing all the games my older cousins used to talk about. I used to laugh at them when they told me how fun they were. I mean, how fun can a game with such bad graphics be? VERY FUN! I’m so glad I had all those quarters in my pockets.
I’d love to see the face of the arcade owner when he opens up the case and finds it filled with coins from 2010! Anyway, I was playing one game for a while and another kid got upset with me for hogging such a “gnarly” game. I told him to wait his turn, but he just walked to the back of the arcade cabinet and pulled the plug on me! He cost me the high score!
But he gave me a great idea…
posted by Alan
July 8, 2010
Wait, what?
Back in time? Seriously? What’s next, a zombie invasion? Bah. I miss the simpler times. I miss back when it was just me, my friends, my teachers and an intelligent robot. Oh, and my pet alien. Yep, simpler times.
So we’ve been working on a plan to catch the Bad Hatter, but it’s pretty tough. I mean, how do you catch someone (something?) that can alter reality? The old cadets have been really helpful. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised – these students are now our teachers! I just wish we had better equipment to work with.