News Archives:.
Halloween Costume Ball
October 28, 2011 - As you may have seen on the Digiboard, I'd like to remind you all that next Monday is our annual Halloween Costume Ball. Join us in the cafeteria at 4 pm for ghoulish games, tantalizing treats, and a tour through the haunted corn maze in the Academy Garden that Captain Wits has been working on for weeks. I hear it is terrifying!
Be sure to dress up for the costume contest. This year, we will award spooktacular prizes for the Scariest, Most Amusing, and Most Creative costumes, and anyone with a costume will be eligible to win! Also, Alexi still needs a few volunteers for the decoration committee, so please see her if you would like to lend a hand.
Happy Halloween, cadets!
Announcing a new free mobile app, BeSeen!

October 13, 2011 - Cadets, I have some exciting news today. The Carnegie Cadets and MySecureCyberspace are pleased to announce our first mobile app!
BeSeen is a new free mobile app from MySecureCyberspace and its partners that is now available in the Apple App Store, designed for the iPhone and compatible with the iPad. It will also become available for Android devices in December of this year. This app is designed for grades 6 and up and simulates a social networking site to teach students about the cyber threats they may find on such websites. And, of course, the app is fun!
You can find out more about BeSeen on our Other Resources page. We hope you enjoy it. While you're at it, check out our Defending Mobile Devices page to brush up on your mobile defense skills too!
National Cyber Security Awareness Month
October 1, 2011 - Happy NCSAM, Cadets! NCSAM is a time to remind people that the Internet can be dangerous, but it doesn’t have to be as long as you are careful. Take control of your online identity and think twice about what you share online. Take care of your devices by protecting them from malware and theft. To learn more, visit the Faculty Pages.
As long as you do your part, the Internet can be a fun and exciting place to share ideas. Just remember: above all else, be smart! If something doesn’t seem right with your computer or someone is bothering you, tell a trusted adult right away. Lastly, EVERYONE can participate in NCSAM, especially cadets like you who can help teach others, so spread the word!