About Me:

My name is Dana and Science is my favorite subject. I'm also really big on protecting the environment. After all it's the only one we've got! I have a horse named Bubbles and a fish named Francis.

Favorite Quote:

If anything is worth doing, do it with all your heart
- Buddha

Favorite Food:

Bean and cheese burritos


Volunteering, animals, nature, physics, biology, chemistry

Flower Image
Erika About Me:

My name is Erika and Art is my favorite subject. I like painting, making sculptures and designing web pages like this one! I also love any kind of puzzle: jigsaw puzzles, crosswords, word games, trivia, you name it! I have a Parrot named Franklin Delano.

Favorite Quote:

Every artist was at first an amateur
- Ralph W. Emerson

Favorite Food:

Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches


Art, games, puzzles, trivia

Tree Frog Image

March 25, 2010

Found ‘em!

It May have taken over a week, but we finally found all the snakes! The first two were easy. Carlo found one over the weekend when he reached into his cereal box to fish out a prize. Judging from how loud his scream was, I’m guessing that wasn’t the sort of prize he was looking for! The second one found Dana. I’m not sure if snakes read blogs or not, but I’m starting to think this one does! I mean, how else would you explain it curling up in her bed with her, just like she said? I thought she was going to pass out when she saw it!

The last one was the trickiest. We had to call in for some outside help. Luckily for us, Captain Wits is a snake charmer! I probably should be surprised about this…but I just can’t be surprised about anything involving Captain Wits anymore.

Anyway, he just sat down in the middle of the cafeteria and started playing this weird wooden flute. Suddenly, a bunch of spiders swarmed around him! He stopped playing and shooed them away, saying he must have had the wrong song. His second attempt was much better. In a few minutes, the long, black snake came slithering out of the kitchen and crawled right back into his cage! I know we’ll all sleep better now that the snakes have all been found. Nice job, Sparky, but pranks like this should be saved for next month!

posted by Erika

March 18, 2010

So Sweet!

I. Hate. Snakes! There, I said it. I hate them. I know that they’re not slimy or out to hurt me or anything, and I know that they are an important part of our ecosystem…but there’s just something so creepy about them! And what do I wake up to find in the cafeteria yesterday after dinner? About fifty of the little terrors! They were everywhere! It was like trying to run away from a crawling carpet!

And now Sparky can only find 47 of them? WHERE ARE THE OTHERS!?! Ugh, I won’t be able to sleep until they find the missing snakes. I know the ones he brought in were harmless, but…well…they’re just so creepy! How am I supposed to go to sleep knowing that there might be a snake waiting to snuggle up to me as soon as I shut my eyes? He’d better find them, and I mean soon!

posted by Dana