About Me:
My name is Dana and Science is my favorite subject. I'm also really big on protecting the environment. After all it's the only one we've got! I have a horse named Bubbles and a fish named Francis.
Favorite Quote:If anything is worth doing, do it with all your heart
- Buddha
Bean and cheese burritos
Interests:Volunteering, animals, nature, physics, biology, chemistry


My name is Erika and Art is my favorite subject. I like painting, making sculptures and designing web pages like this one! I also love any kind of puzzle: jigsaw puzzles, crosswords, word games, trivia, you name it! I have a Parrot named Franklin Delano.
Favorite Quote:Every artist was at first an amateur
- Ralph W. Emerson
Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches
Interests:Art, games, puzzles, trivia

July 19, 2010
Me and my Big Mouth
I tried to talk to Commander Omni about her past self, but it didn’t go the way I thought it would. She said she was glad her past self knew about Nils’ true nature. I never really thought about this before, but Commander Omni must’ve really felt betrayed when Nils turned to a life of crime. Without Commander Omni’s help, I knew I had to talk to Nils.
I found him in the cafeteria last night after everyone had gone to bed. It was really awkward sitting next to the future Master Hacker as he quietly ate his macaroni and cheese. I explained as best I could why Cadet Omni was so upset with him. He just kept saying that it wasn’t fair – that he isn’t a bad guy. Not yet anyway. I hope our talk helps him make better choices in the future. Who knows, we might find out that he’s a good guy again when we return to our own time.
posted by Erika
July 13, 2010
Uh Oh
So, I was talking to Cadet Omni about what happens with the Academy in the future and…well…I kind of told her that Nils becomes the world’s greatest cyber villain. Now she’s treating him like he’s already turned evil. What if that makes him turn to cyber crime even earlier? What if he becomes the Master Hacker before the Academy is prepared to deal with him?
I’m going to talk with Commander Omni and try to get her to talk some sense into her past self. Or Maybe I should just talk to Nils and, you know, convince him to not be evil.
posted by Erika
July 9, 2010
1995. That’s, like, SOOOOO long ago. I’m talking 15 years. Yikes. I mean, it’s really cool to meet our teachers before they got all teacher-y, but there’s something bothering me. I know that Cadet Edward became Officer Marshall, Cadet Nils became the Master Hacker, and Captain Marbles still checks back in from time to time…but who is Andrea?
Isn’t it weird that I know about everyone else from the first graduating class but her? I’ll have to ask Commander Omni about her when we get back to our own time. Right now, finding out about Andrea is pretty low on my list of priorities.