About Me:

My name is Dana and Science is my favorite subject. I'm also really big on protecting the environment. After all it's the only one we've got! I have a horse named Bubbles and a fish named Francis.

Favorite Quote:

If anything is worth doing, do it with all your heart
- Buddha

Favorite Food:

Bean and cheese burritos


Volunteering, animals, nature, physics, biology, chemistry

Flower Image
Erika About Me:

My name is Erika and Art is my favorite subject. I like painting, making sculptures and designing web pages like this one! I also love any kind of puzzle: jigsaw puzzles, crosswords, word games, trivia, you name it! I have a Parrot named Franklin Delano.

Favorite Quote:

Every artist was at first an amateur
- Ralph W. Emerson

Favorite Food:

Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches


Art, games, puzzles, trivia

Tree Frog Image

July 6 2007


I accept. You know you are going to lose.

I've been talking to the supervisors about what they think would be most important for the new students to know. One told me to include a school map. There is one on the school's Web site here, and I'll include one in the packet I'm giving to the new students.

posted by Dana

July 5 2007


Why don't you work on your orientation and I'll work on mine. We'll let Betty pick the best one.

posted by Erika