About Me:

You can call me Sparky or Frankie. That's it. I used to be in the Detention Center for being a "Script Kiddie." But I don't do that anymore, it's a lot more interesting helping the Cyber Defenders!

Favorite Quote:

Eighty percent of success is showing up.
- Woody Allen

Favorite Food:

Fish Sticks


Coding, Games, Comic Books


May 27, 2010

Finals Time

It’s almost the end of the semester and wow, has it been a busy one! I don’t think I’ve ever worked so hard in my life. Every now and then I stop and think – is it all worth it? Are the hours of studying going to pay off in the end? And I always come to the same answer. Definitely!

I mean think about it - I’m doing what I love with really fantastic people. Best of all, we’re making a huge difference! The work may be tough, but I’m okay with that. Nothing worth having comes easily, right?

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to get my study on!

posted by Sparky